Life crisis

During a lifetime you can find yourself in a period of distress and major adjustment associated with a significant life experience, such as divorce or death of a family member.

Other factors can be losing your job, moving to a new country, becoming a parent, or being in an unhealthy relationship.

When these types of events effect you deeply then they are categorized as a life crisis.

Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher, famously said: "That which does not kill us makes us stronger."

I challenge that perception.

I believe that a live crisis can be hurtful and leaves scarfs but having experienced a crisis also makes you wiser on yourself and how well you are capable to emotional survive feeling the bad emotions.

If you find yourself in the middle of a crisis that you can not find the strength to get through, then therapy is a good alternative. 

I help you to work your way through the bad emotions and to acknowledge your own emotional resources, personal to professional skills and achievements.


1 x 50 minutes 70 euro

Call to book at +39 328 163 9003

or send me a text on WhatsApp

LINDA HANSEN - Life Coach & Therapist, Via Panfilo Castaldi, Milan, Italy
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